
All inspiration boards seen in this blog are my own creation unless stated otherwise. I would like to ask you to give due credit or link back to this blog when using the inspiration boards elsewhere as these boards do take some time and careful thought behind them. 

I ensure that all the sources of the individual images in this blog are linked directly from their source or are cited in click through links found in each inspiration board caption or in the text body. I do not claim ownership of them. Should you find your image here improperly cited, kindly notify me so I may credit you or your website accordingly. 

At times, I may alter some of the images to suit the vision of the inspiration board or the specific topic being discussed but I will still include the link to the image source, regardless. Should the owner of the image find offense in that, please note, that it is not my intent to offend anyone. Please inform me immediately so I may rectify the situation. 

Thank you!