Hi there!
As the title of the blog suggests, I am perhaps a real life version of Katherine Heigl's character in 27 dresses - always the bridesmaid, never the bride (so far!). I don't mind it though. I've always loved weddings. I think most girls do. Blame it on the estrogen with combination of all that fluff and frou frous.
Anyway, a lot of my friends are getting married these days. Maybe because we are in and around our mid 20's which, I assume, is society's standard of the the right marrying age. Or perhaps because it is 2012 and if there is any truth to the Mayan calendar prophecy, it is their last chance to get hitched. Needless to say, there have been weddings around me left and right. Thus, the inspiration for this blog.
Like I said, I love weddings. Besides the food, the booze, and an excuse to primp and prettify, weddings are celebrations - celebrations of love, life, family, and friends. I don't know anyone who wouldn't want that.
So to the brides to be, the eternal bridesmaids, and anyone who just happens to stumble upon my little space in the world wide web, enjoy!